Thursday, June 29, 2006

That familiar burning sensation

Just when I thought I'd seen everything there was to see after 7 years of working at the library, suburban know, the ones we call America's future...figure out a way to surprise me once again.

We are now down one trash dumpster, and up one melted, flaming metal husk.

You read that right.

Some snot-nosed teenage shit-wits set fire to the library's dumpster.

As I described it in an iChat conversation, "Say, does our dumpster always emit white smoke?" *WHOOSH* "OH CRAP."

Dunno what they burned, or what was already inside, but it was really, really hot. As in, melting-through-metal-walls-in-two-places hot. Completely slagged the plastic cover, bent the hinge bar for said cover, peeled all the paint off, and just generally made a spectacular mess.

Never a dull day around these parts.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

HP (not the tech company)

A post of mine from GFF, in a thread about the last Harry Potter book and a special on CBS about whether Harry would die.

Unlike most of my HR-tag-enclosed quotes, this one is actually mine.

I'd love to see Ron and/or Hermione snuffed out by surprise just as they're about to confess their love for the other. Mostly to spite an ex-girlfriend of mine who was a digustingly huge H/R shipper (hey, at the end of the day I'm a simple creature), but also because it would pack a lot more punch than the previous death scenes in the series, one of which was more puzzling than depressing and the other of which was lackluster.

Oh, and if Hermy or Ron are killed off...I'm torn as to whether I'd want the other to die as well. I'm more a fan of "live a long, lonely, tortured life forever yearning for the one you lost" than I am of "together forever in peace." Still, it would be cool to see the other go for revenge and get swatted like a fly by Voldemort.

...Is it wrong that I'm thinking such cruel things about characters in a children's story?