Tuesday, February 27, 2007

American Travesty

I fucking hate American Idol.

Not only does it oust the one show I like watching (House M.D.) from its rightful timeslot on Tuesday nights, but it is nothing but a pathetic front for the RIAA to sucker in more young hopefuls and get them to sign extortionate recording contracts after the fulfillment of which they'll be indebted to the record company to the tune (no pun intended) of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Winner" indeed. Winner gets SCREWED by a record label.

If I ever find the guy who came up with the idea of American Idol, I'm going to stab him in the mouth with a gardening trowel.

In other news, I found out tonight that I have slightly elevated blood pressure. GEE, I WONDER WHY.

On a semi-related (to point A) but more positive note, Therion has released a new album, "Gothic Kaballah," which is said to be quite good but a deviation from their usual symphonic and operatic style. I downloaded it and am looking forward to getting my hiney to Clark and Belmont so I can hit Metal Haven and pick up a copy. You know...buy independent, non-American, non-corporate music from an independent, non-corporate, privately-owned music store. So that the RIAA doesn't see a dime. Take that, American Idol.