Thursday, March 09, 2006

Good ideas

From the usual source: "You're right about the theatre problem, however. I had a similar incident with a pre-teen/teen kid sitting behind me during a movie. He kept kicking the back of my chair (little bumps every now and then, from him fidgeting). We asked repeatedly for him to stop, and told him that we would have the managers remove him if he didn't stop. He didn't. Luckily, he was sitting in the last row, and I was in the row in front of him. I simply stood up for a while, and then sat on the seat (folded up) so he couldn't see the movie. Eventually, I sat back down and enjoyed peace and quiet for the rest of the film.

Theatre owners are too easy to offer refunds for bad experiences because they know that the vast majority of people won't ask for refunds. They cut corners by removing the ushers, and offer refunds instead.

Here's a great movie-theater business model (for grown ups):
- Ushers at every isle intersection with 10,000 candlepower flashlights
- No one under 18 allowed (period). [ ok, so this one is controversial; wait until you're over 21, and you'll get this one ]
- No candy sold in hyper-sealed polyurethane 10' baggies
- No old ladies in pairs seated next to each other allowed in the theater during the main showing
- breathalizer entry points: unless it's a comedy, you have to blow a .007 to get in
- Raised walls (cubicle style) surrounding each seat pair (with adjustable arm divider)

There, instant successful theater just add water. Now someone go out there, make it happen and invite me for a critiqual visit."

Servez-vous beaucoup

The server is up.

E-mail me (celticwhisper at spymac dot com) for the details on how to connect.  Also, please do not give others the connection info without asking me first.  I can tell who's connecting, and if I see more IP addresses than people I've told, I know someone's spilling.  By all means, share the files you get from it with others, but check with me before you give others the juicy details.

I'm tired.  Goodnight.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The Apache server is coming along nicely. Slackware 10.2 is installed and configured on the box that will act as the server, and I've got httpd starting up with the OS (not like it was hard work on my part, Slack lets you tick a box at install time to do that). I found the directory that Apache serves from and am working on replacing the index_en.html page to something not too hideous. Here's what I'll need to know from yous guys: how many songs per band will you need to make your recommendations? I'm not web-hosting full albums, as that's too conspicuous and also the reason I have the SFTP server, but I can do up to 3 songs without maiming my disk space and bandwidth.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Days of Rising Doom

Well, no poll this month for the metal album.  I'm already decided on the meta-band Aina's "Days of Rising Doom: The Metal Opera" for reasons I'll get into in a minute.

The good news is I'm working on setting up a web server on my Linux box, so I can actually post MP3 samples of the albums I'm mulling over ordering.  That way you guys can make better suggestions (okay, okay, and I'm itching to help people pirate).  This will give me about a month to get Apache tweaked for performance and figure out how I want to handle organizing files (and maybe put together a nice-looking page to list them while I'm at it)

The tentative candidates for next month, though, are:

"Letters From Fire" by The Crest
"A Night at the Opera" by Blind Guardian
"The Black Halo" by Kamelot.

With some Therion to follow, depending on my mood.  "Vovin" and "Secret of the Runes" are bloody incredible, and I'm itching to get them.  But other bands need some love too.

Anyway, it's 6 AM, I really should sleep.