Thursday, April 06, 2006

Squealing brakes

Windows Explorer just crashed. The back-breaking processor-intensive task that prompted it? The daunting feat of logic operations and number crunching, the herculean labour whose astronomical level of intensity was simply too morbidly demanding for the poor, hapless explorer.exe to bear?

Searching for a file.

"Windows XP is the most stable Windows ever!"

If Windows XP is stable, then our old computer lab know, the one who cut herself with the tape dispenser, popped pills, shrieked at the top of her lungs at apparently random intervals, and hid under the desk, all while on the job, must have been ROCK FUCKING SOLID.

Susie-May...git mah SHAWT-GUHN.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Das Job Haus

So I'm now doubly employed.

Thanks to a mysterious benefactor, I got in contact with a placement company and landed myself a 2-month contract with a company just outside Chicago, doing document analysis and updating, making sure they're compliant with Sarbanes-Oxley. Of course, starting work @ 7:00 AM at this job and getting home at 9:20 PM from the library isn't exactly what I'd call a walk in the park, but everyone who knows me knows that I hate myself^W^Wlove a good challenge.

So far it looks good, though. I actually do real work that entails more than answering a walkie-talkie and saying "click the OK button" or "it's the hardware, stupid," and I now know what a balls-to-the-wall, 24-hour-response-or-we-have-your-head IT department is like.

I like it.

Anyway, more details available upon request, but for now, I must get to my IPRO as it starts in half an hour.

I leave you with a quote.

"Microsoft has decided that Gamers are idiots with too much money to spend. I would guess that there's ample evidence to support this given the success of $1000 paired video cards to get 0.5fps more in first person shooters, 'collector's editions' of games which cost $20 more and contain a figurine or cloth map, or the actual existence of Alienware." -Podperson (Original Post)

1 is a waste of money if you don't do professional 3d ani/modeling, I'm admittedly guilty of 2 (consoles only), and if I commented on 3 I'd laugh up a lung.